
Reading Sones I realize I have nicknames too.
My grandparents call me AutumnRose.
As if it is one word, one name instead of two.
My parents call me Sisy or Precious, I'm the oldest and the first.
My friend far away calls me Autumn-otopia.
I used to be called Thumbelina, and Noodle, and Almond.
My little brother's friends used to call me Godzilla, I hated that one.
Just because it didn't make much sense when I finally got one of them to explain it to me.
My smallest siblings will call me Anum.
I feel all kinds of love and giggles when they call me that over skype.
When he T9's my name into his phone it comes up as Button.
I like it best out of all the silliest of things that he calls me.
Muffy, he calls me when he is fake angry.
Chic little biscuit, is what he calls me when he is pretending to be classy.
Flake resulted from Flaky Biscuit, and I do not like that one.
When he wants to be scolded he will call me pumpkin or bumpkin…
But the best of all,
the one that makes me have involuntary facial convulsions
is when he just calls me Autumn as I am falling asleep.


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