10 am
Blue light from my butterfly sari curtain comes in to make my skin feel like a lithograph. It's too early to get ready for work, so I put some left over curry in the microwave. 'Don't look at me like that.' I say to my cat, her judgmental stare piercing through my tough morning facade. I lied. I look like shit. I walk into the kitchen, getting goosebumps on my breasts. Maybe sleeping naked is a bad idea. I always seem to flip flop on that one in the winter. I turn to hear a laugh out my window, realize the curtains are open and decide sleeping naked is, in fact, a stupid idea. I mean what if there was a fire. I would be in the cold outside watching my house burn down, naked. I go put on my robe and eat my curry with my judgmental cat. I hate waking up when it is too early for work, but too late for anything of substance to grace my morning until work. So, I go back to sleep. These fifteen min have not happened, I decide as my cat slips into the unconsciousness I wish to posses.
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