I realize i have been scatter brained so let me clear some things up for myself if anyone. 
Behllaveaia is the Island of Life. It is in the centre of the Great Waters that flow for eternity. Amruirael is the countries and kingdoms connected within that land. The mountains and the cities and the Wood are all connected but great spaces are between them and well named the Wildernesses. There are other less civilized territories and tribal people all throughout the lands. There are also the Lyshxien, the terror of the Wood, the Skerridikki terror of the Great dessert and of the Rock mountains, and the Mountains' only terror is the Lyshxien that dwell there and the Wolves. Great dogs. Terrible but ancient. They do not kill to eat or for the fun of it. The CIties have their own terrors with robbers and murderers alike. The terror of the cities is the madness the men create upon themselves. 
Wood lies in the center and the Kinder ( the Castle and such where our kingdom rules from) lies at the edge of the Wood toward the City of the Northern shore. The Wood is where i live and my family rules. The Wood is also the Stronghold of  the Isle since it is the most fortified. Mountains stretch around Wood and even curve around one side of the southern border. The Dessert is is a vast deadly landscape that takes the south east side of the Isle all the way to the Great Waters. The Cities line alone the shores around the Whole Isle. They are More like villages in the valleys and mountains. I don't know the whole of Amruirael but that is the jist of it. 
There are kilos of cities. There are three main cities where a monarchy rules in a connecting family: Eushaun, Triealsis, Drashkfrin. Triealsis is the City Kingdoms Kinder, where the City king rules. The Gossamer Queen of the City Northern, Eushaunn, is a younger sister of The City Kingdom's Queen. She likes parties and court dramatics and particularly thinks nothing of the world outside of her own. I do not like the cities. The end.
The villages that i have been to, traveling and such, are full of rich culture. The people are generous and beautiful. If i was to live anywhere but Wood it would be in a mountain Village. I will see a few of the villages near the mountain passes in a few weeks when we return to City for the Harvest Feast. 
That is as much as i can think of the geographics. Wood is another matter. Kinder is a large piece of Wood at the North part of the wood itself. The Twelve Villas make up most of the other land in Wood. Dyllen, as i mentioned before is sixth villa. SInce it is southernmost i take great pains to make sure he stays within our bounnds and keeps the Lyshxien and Skerridikki at bay. There are eleven others:Ke'rehl, Borehl, Daden, Mykeill, Tieden, Dyllen, Mareike, Avdotya, Illinca, Valerui, Liviu, Kipearan. Nine of these are run by cousins and other blood members of our family. Dyllen, Mareike and Illinca are run by warriors who won the right to defend Wood on our borders. It is my duty to make sure each of the Villas are ready defensivly and domestically with their laws. I think the most help i give is showing that we recongnize every villa and every citizen of Wood.
Then there is Laor or Loar depending of where you are from. Laor is the Fae Rhelm. It changes at its own will. Then entire Rhelm. That is as much as i can tell you. The rest you will have to piece together for yourself. it makes no sense otherwise.

~ Violet


  1. What is your other blog supposed to be about???
    We should make a joint blog!!! lol

  2. You have now been tagged, by MOI!, to post six rather unimportant things about you....lol... so get busy darling!


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