
Showing posts from February, 2011


Gnashing at the moss just below her face, she tasted earth and water. He was stronger than she was. He had seen her in the dark and had played with her, batting her around with a sharp claw. She knew she was bleeding out her life, but she wondered still whether her blood would fead the flowers. Her face was twisted and as she was biting and fighting she was noticing how the wind was light tonight and there was already dew on the ground. He cut at her legs, cutting her denim and plaid skin reaching her soft human inside. He cut her again. He was playing. She could almost taste his power in the air. He didn't have to work this hard, but he liked to play. He let loose her right had for a fraction of a second. She grazed the fuzz, and wetness of the moss as she wrenched her hand free and swung all her horror at his smaller brain's face. She landed true and twisted around to face the canopy and attacker. Her legs, her tattered bleeding legs sliced through the air and caught pieces o...