
It is clean smelling, like a hint of pledge. It smells like fresh laundry and clean sheets. The smell lacking real character. You notice the absence of smells really. The absence of coffee, old bread, dirty socks, Mary Jane and anger. It's lavender and grey. Not a cold pane grey but a sort of soft grey you could use to glamour yourself and never appear again. Soft like for and warm enough for you to take a nap at 3pm. It sounds like laughter, footstep echoes, machinery and softer movements like dancing from the room above yours. It sounds like slow rain and fast rain, page shuffling page, softly trying to sing outloud for the first time, and, every now and again, silence. --loneliness


I could have been Anything But it would never be enough for you Now I know I lost you a long time ago Only love Only love Even though it's Not enough Only love Only love Even though it's Not enough. *firstaidkit*

Bah bah bah

Join in mother fucker. Times go one and the wheel turns and I feel immense pleasure in loss and earth and moving forward every time. Let it fucking go! Yeah... Okay next time I will be more articulate I promise.

They sang, mom, you were right.

The birds continued to sing and I finally heard them...among them my heart rested in downy feathers. It is possible to be free and completely captured.


If only I was angry. If I was angry I could maim, I could rupture and destroy. Instead I timidly ask, as if it is even a question. Just a simple request, please leave me alone, thank you. I wished for bravery years ago. I wished and wished and never truly gained the bravery necessary to dish out what I have been served again and again. Right now I need a hand to hold. Right now I need a place to run, a hole to bury myself in. Right now I am afraid. I am nervous and scared and sad. I don't know if I can do this. I even think I might break apart. I think I might not be able to finish it....What if I am stuck like this forever? What if I wake up and I realize that I have been faking it for so long that I don't even want to see what I look like. How is this done? If only I was angry. If only you wouldn't cry. If only I didn't love you.

Stop writing down everything, it makes me nervous

{The Lacuna , by Kinsolver } Since when did the human mind have a boundary. How dare you shut me out. How dare you decide what the mind is capable. How dare you tell them not to listen. How dare you. We allow you to speak un sheltered. You who we allow to speak without any boundaries, underlined and bold printed.

Keep on doin' that rag

You needn't gild the lily, offer jewels to the sunset No one is watching or standing in your shoes Wash your lonely feet in the river in the morning Everything promised is delivered to you Don't neglect to pick up what your share is All the winter birds are winging home now Hey Love, go and look around you Nothing out there you haven't seen before now